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As a legislator, show your support for the Juliana 21 and take action now!

If you are not a legislator, learn how to support this campaign here.

“As the case moves forward on the road to justice, we call on members of Congress to publicly support Juliana v. United States and the constitutional rights of young people to life, liberty, and property free from government endangerment. We have been calling on the judicial branch to help hold the executive branch of our federal government accountable for its role in causing the climate crisis. Now, it is more critical than ever for the legislative branch to join us, cosponsor the resolution recognizing children’s fundamental rights and the need for climate recovery, and urge the Biden DOJ to immediately address our case. Let’s make this happen.” 

~ Vic Barrett, Juliana v. United States plaintiff

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The United States government has known about the causes and dangers of climate change for more than half a century. Yet it continues to promote and protect the major driver of the climate crisis: our national fossil fuel energy system. These actions of the executive branch have endangered young Americans. This is unjust and unconstitutional. That’s why the 21 youth plaintiffs, and organizational plaintiff Earth Guardians, in Juliana v. United States are suing the federal government for contributing to the climate crisis. The youth seek support from Congress to protect their constitutional rights to life,
liberty, property, which includes a climate system capable of
sustaining human life.

How You Can Support the Juliana Plaintiffs

To show your support for the Juliana v. United States youth plaintiffs right now, right click and save this image and post it on social media with the following caption:

  • I support the 21 Juliana v US youth plaintiffs, their climate lawsuit, & a science-based natl climate recovery plan. Young Americans have a constitutional right to life, liberty, property, & a climate system capable of sustaining human life. #IStandWithJuliana #Congress4Juliana

Cosponsor the forthcoming concurrent resolution recognizing Children’s Fundamental Rights and Climate Recovery:

  • Learn about this exciting resolution - S.Con.Res.47 & H.Con.Res.119 - which was introduced by members of Congress on September 23, 2020 and supports the principles underpinning Juliana v. United States. Check out our resolution recognizing Children’s Fundamental Rights and Climate Recovery, as well as sponsors and endorsers, here.

  • Consider cosponsoring this important resolution to protect the fundamental rights of our nation’s children so that they may have a safe, healthy and livable planet on which to thrive.

  • Already a cosponsor? Share the news and post a message of support for the resolution and the 21 Juliana youth plaintiffs on your social media using our Social Media Toolkit (which includes both sample text and social media-ready images).

  • Contact Liz Lee at for more information on cosponsoring the resolution.

Other Ways You Can Support the Juliana Plaintiffs:

Contact Liz Lee at for more information.