AttorneY General Merrick Garland:
Let the Youth be heard!

The Juliana climate kids have won again and are now preparing to go to trial!

In 2015, 21 young Americans filed a landmark constitutional climate lawsuit, Juliana v. United States, against the U.S. government. Their complaint asserts that the government’s fossil fuel energy system and its affirmative actions that cause climate change violate the youngest generation’s constitutional rights to life, liberty, and property, as well as their rights to essential public trust resources like air and water. For almost eight years, these 21 young people have waited for their day in court, delayed again and again by tactics employed by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to impede or dismiss their case.

Their wait is now over!

Call * Email * Tweet The DOJ NOW!

On June 1, 2023, Federal Judge Ann Aiken, of the U.S. District Court in Oregon, granted the young plaintiffs’ motion to amend their complaint, putting their case back on track to trial where the evidence of their government’s conduct that is causing the climate crisis and violating their constitutional rights will be heard in open court.

This is the most important climate trial in the world to hold the government most responsible for climate change accountable.

These 21 young people are seeking a judicial declaration that the U.S. fossil fuel energy system is unconstitutional and violates their fundamental right to a safe climate. A victory in their case would mean that U.S. climate and energy policy - whether executive or legislative in nature, and regardless of political majority or party - would need to adhere to the court’s declaratory judgment, protecting the rights of our nation’s children and ending the physical and mental harm they have experienced due to the actions of their own government.

But first, they need their evidence to be heard.
And they need your help to make sure this happens!


Call * Email * Tweet The DOJ NOW!

The Department of Justice May Continue Opposition to Trial

In order to further impede this case from proceeding to trial, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland - who runs the U.S. Department of Justice on behalf of the People of the United States - as well as Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar - who argues on behalf of the United States before the Supreme Court - may continue their opposition to the case. They could even try to impede the youths’ path to trial by using an obscure legal tool championed by the Trump Administration - a Petition for Writ of Mandamus - to subvert the judicial process and keep these young Americans from having their evidence heard and considered by a judge in open court.

This Writ of Mandamus is an extreme legal tool which was only intended to be used as an “extraordinary remedy” in “exceptional circumstances of peculiar emergency or public importance.” And yet former President Trump’s DOJ filed Petitions for Writ of Mandamus against the judge in Juliana v. U.S. SIX times, to our knowledge more than the Department of Justice has filed in any other case of public record, ever. Now, despite none of the previous six Writs of Mandamus being successful, President Biden’s DOJ has indicated that they intend to file an unprecedented SEVENTH Petition for Writ of Mandamus in this case. Doing so is an abuse of process, one designed to delay, obfuscate, and ultimately keep these young Americans from having their evidence heard in open court.

Attorney General Garland needs to hear from you that using this extreme tool championed by the Trump Administration’s Department of Justice - the Petition for Writ of Mandamus - is an abuse of process!

🚨 UPDATE: Despite the June 1st ruling from U.S. District Court Judge Ann Aiken that the case could proceed to trial, the DOJ is already flooding the youth plaintiffs with motions to try to deny them access to the courtroom, including a motion to dismiss and a motion to stay the case.

We are in a critical Window for action!

These motions filed by the DOJ are just the first steps to try to prevent or delay trial in Juliana v. United States. Attorneys at the DOJ told attorneys for the youth in late June that they hadn’t yet decided whether they will file another petition for Writ of Mandamus to try to impede the case further - this extreme step would come later in the process after Judge Aiken rules on their motion to dismiss - so we still have time to act!

Tell Attorney General Garland: Let the Youth Be Heard!

Take five minutes today to call, email, and/or tweet Attorney General Garland and the Department of Justice to let him know that people around the world who are fighting for climate justice are watching. Tell Attorney General Garland to NOT file a Petition for Writ of Mandamus in this youth-led case. Tell him to end Department of Justice opposition to Juliana v. U.S. proceeding to trial so that the evidence of these 21 young Americans on the unconstitutionality of the U.S. fossil fuel energy system can finally be heard in open court.

Call * Email * Tweet The DOJ NOW!


Join the People vs. Fossil Fuels coalition in this coordinated action to directly email Attorney General Merrick Garland today, urging him to end Department of Justice opposition to Juliana v. U.S. proceeding to trial! 

For even greater impact during this critical moment, please see below to call and tweet the DOJ too! 

This action will take less than one minute!

  1. Call the Department of Justice comment line at 202-353-1555

  2. Press 1 and leave a message for Attorney General Garland

Here is a script you can use for this message (feel free to put this in your own words!):

“My name is [your name] and I’m calling today from [your city and state or country.] My message is for Attorney General Merrick Garland: end Department of Justice opposition to Juliana v. U.S. proceeding to trial so that the evidence of these 21 young Americans on the unconstitutionality of the U.S. fossil fuel energy system can be heard in open court, as is their right. On June 1st, a judge advanced this case to trial. Do not follow the path of the Trump Department of Justice by filing a seventh extreme Petition for Writ of Mandamus to block their path to trial! It is vital that these young Americans present their evidence, which you can then cross examine and challenge, just as you would in any other constitutional case on your docket. You represent the People of the United States but, if your Department of Justice seeks to block this case from going to trial, you will deny young Americans access to justice. End the DOJ’s efforts to impede Juliana v. United States from going to trial and restore the reputation of our Department of Justice as one that opens the courthouse doors to our nation’s children, not one that seeks to close those doors on our most vulnerable citizens.”

Note: Not sure how to pronounce Writ of Mandamus? The first part - Writ - is pronounced as if it was spelled “rit.” And here is a pronunciation video for the second part!

This action will take less than five minutes!

  1. Go to the Department of Justice website

  2. Fill in the fields for your name and email address

  3. In the field for “Please choose the general topic of your message,” select “Messages to the Attorney General”

  4. Type your message into the “Your message to the Department of Justice” field

  5. Read the Privacy Act Statement and press Submit

Here is a script you can use for this email (feel free to put this in your own words!):

Attorney General Garland,

End Department of Justice opposition to Juliana v. U.S. proceeding to trial so that the evidence of these 21 young Americans on the unconstitutionality of the U.S. fossil fuel energy system can be heard in open court, as is their right. On June 1st, a judge advanced this case to trial. Do not follow the path of the Trump Department of Justice by filing the extreme Petition for Writ of Mandamus to block their path to trial! It is vital to our democracy that these young Americans present their evidence, which you can then cross examine and challenge, just as you would in any other constitutional case on your docket.

You represent the People of the United States but, if you block this case from going to trial, you will deny young Americans access to justice. End the DOJ’s efforts to impede Juliana v. United States from going to trial and restore the reputation of our Department of Justice as one that opens the courthouse doors to our nation’s children, not one that seeks to close those doors on our most vulnerable citizens.


[Your name]

[Your city and state or country]

This action will take less than five minutes!

  1. Log into Twitter and compose a new tweet

  2. Be sure to include the following in your message: @TheJusticeDept

  3. Be sure to use the following hashtags: #merrickgarland #youthvgov #dontmandamus

Here is a script you can use for this tweet (feel free to put this in your own words!):

@TheJusticeDept + #merrickgarland: Juliana v. U.S. youth plaintiffs have a right to trial + present evidence on how govt causes climate crisis & violates their rights. Don’t impede this case & deny access to justice. Let the youth be heard! #youthvgov #dontmandamus

Here are some images you can use for your tweet (link to download below each image):


Download image here

Thank you for taking action in support of these youth plaintiffs and climate justice in our courts!

Next Steps

Have you already seen “YOUTH v GOV” - the independent award-winning documentary about Juliana v. United States - now streaming globally on Netflix? Watch and share the film today!