I Stand with the Youth Plaintiffs of
Juliana v. United States!

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In 2015, 21 youth, and organizational plaintiff Earth Guardians, filed their constitutional climate lawsuit, Juliana v. United States, against the U.S. government. Their complaint asserts that, through the government's affirmative actions that cause climate change, it has violated the youngest generation’s constitutional rights to life, liberty, and property, as well as failed to protect essential public trust resources.

As elected officials representing 17 conservative states attempt to intervene in their case and the youth plaintiffs and their attorneys prepare for upcoming oral argument, now is an important moment to show these brave youth that their community stands with them. Show the Juliana 21 you are with them in solidarity by signing the wall of support below!

Demand Protection of Their Constitutional Rights!

Using the form below, please submit your name and city to be added to our public online wall of support to show these brave youth - and their government - that there is a strong community of support standing with them. Only your name, city, and state will be published on the wall of support; no other details will be shared publicly. However, if you indicate that you’d like to join our newsletter, we’ll add you to that list! Please also share this page with friends and family and post messages of support to social media using the hashtag #ClimateRightsNow and #YouthvGov

Sign the wall of support today: