December 10, 2012 - Alaska Public

Mt. Edgecumbe Senior Sues AK Over Climate Change

November 9, 2012 - Christian Science Monitor

Hurricane Sandy blows climate change back on the table

October 21, 2012 - Planet Save

Kansas teen files climate change lawsuit

August 23, 2012 - Albuquerque Journal

Environmental lawsuit is about protecting our future

August 13, 2012 - The Register Guard

Climate lawsuit appealed: Two Eugene students ask two appeals courts to force the state of Oregon to take action on climate change

August 1, 2012 - Environment News Service

Youths Appeal Climate Case Against Washington State

July 26, 2012 - Huffington Post

Texas judge rules the sky belongs to us all

July 25, 2012 - Planet Save

The State Has a Sovereign Obligation Over “All the Earth and Air”

July 19, 2012 - The Inside Story

EPA seeks to block climate suit review

July 18, 2012 - Center for Progressive Reform

Federalism at Work: Recent Developments in Public Trust Lawsuits to Limit Greenhouse Gas Emissions

July 17, 2012 - Associated Press

Texas Judge Rules Atmosphere, Air is 'Public Trust'

July 16, 2012 - StateImpact Texas

Why a bunch of kids are suing the TCEQ

July 15, 2012 - The Statesman

In suit, minors challenge Texas environmental agency

July 13, 2012 - The Inside Story

Judge Rules Atmosphere 'Public Trust'

July 12, 2012 - ABC News

Texas Judge Rules Atmosphere, Air is Public Trust

July 12, 2012 - EE News

Kids claim win in legal fight over 'public trust'

July 11, 2012 - The New York Times

Texas Judge Rules Atmosphere, Air is Public Trust

July 2, 2012 - The Inside Story

Novel Climate 'Trust' Suit Advances

April 2, 2012 - Huffington Post

Public Trust Doctrine Lawsuit Asks for Protection of Atmosphere as a Public Resource

March 5, 2012 - KLCC

Environmentalists Push Climate Change Suits on Behalf of Kids

February 23, 2012 - Planet Save

Native American Youth Sues Governor Janice Brewer Over Failure to Combat Climate Change

February 22, 2012 - Yes! Magazine

Does the U.S. Have a Legal Responsibility to Stop Climate Change?

February 1, 2012 - The Register Guard

Climate change action needed now

January 25, 2012 - Santa Fe New Mexican

Student's suit claims state is not protecting quality of air

January 24, 2012 - The Register Guard

Young activists sue governor