Held v. State of Montana
Our Children’s Trust has represented young people in Montana legal actions since 2011, most recently in the youth-led constitutional climate lawsuit, Held v. State of Montana.
On March 13, 2020, 16 young people from across the state of Montana filed their constitutional climate lawsuit against the state of Montana, asserting that, by supporting a fossil fuel-driven energy system, which is contributing to the climate crisis, Montana is violating their constitutional rights to a clean and healthful environment; to seek safety, health, and happiness; and to individual dignity and equal protection of the law. The youth plaintiffs also argue that the state’s fossil fuel energy system is degrading and depleting Montana’s constitutionally protected public trust resources, including the atmosphere, rivers and lakes, and fish and wildlife.
The youth plaintiffs are represented by Nate Bellinger with Our Children’s Trust, Shiloh Hernandez with Western Environmental Law Center, and Roger Sullivan and Dustin Leftridge with McGarvey Law.
Current Status:
The youth plaintiffs are currently awaiting a ruling on the state’s motion to dismiss.
The following is a timeline of major moments, filings, and rulings in Held v. State of Montana, from March 2020 to today:
“March 13, 2020: Case Filed
Sixteen Montana youth filed their constitutional climate lawsuit against the state of Montana.”
“February 18, 2020: Oral Arguments
Attorneys for the youth plaintiffs present oral arguments on the state’s motion to dismiss.”
“TODAY: Awaiting a Ruling!
On February 18th, attorneys for the youth plaintiffs will present oral arguments on the state’s motion to dismiss.”