On August 30, 2023, OVERHEATED brought together musicians, designers and climate activists, like Grace, one of the 16 youth plaintiffs in the constitutional climate lawsuit Held v. State of Montana, to discuss the climate crisis and the different ways young people are making a difference around the world.
Watch Grace talk about the recent historic victory in her case, and her recommendations for what young people around the world can do to make a difference – even if you’re brand new to climate action! 👇
We know that fighting climate change and achieving a safe and stable climate capable of sustaining human life for all present and future generations means reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
But by how much do we need to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? And how can we reduce global temperatures?
Check out these two short animations to learn more about what scientists say is necessary to stabilize our climate system – then urge leaders and decision-makers to use the best available science to protect our planet and our future!
To learn more about the best available science to protect our climate, check out additional resources here.
On August 14, 2023, Grace and her fellow young plaintiffs won their youth-led constitutional climate lawsuit, Held v. State of Montana, when a judge declared that their state government was violating their rights to “dignity,” “health and safety,” “a clean and healthful environment,” and “equal protection of the law.” This was a huge historic decision not only for young people in Montana but also for young people bringing climate cases to protect their right to a safe climate around the world.
To learn more about taking climate action in the courts, check out this social media post:
You can also learn more about other youth-led climate litigation happening around the world – including another youth-led case that is heading to trial in Hawaiʻi next Summer – here!
And while not everyone can or wants to join a youth-led lawsuit, there are lots of things young people can do to protect their legal right to a safe climate:
Research how your nation, state, province, county, or other governmental body describes your right to a safe environment.
Read about what your government is doing to address the climate crisis - and what actions they may be taking that actively make the climate crisis worse (like permitting fossil fuel extraction or promoting fossil fuel-based energy)!
The science says we need to limit carbon dioxide to 350 parts per million (ppm) to stabilize our planet’s energy balance. With just $3.50, £3,50, or €3,50, you can join people around the world who are fighting to protect youth's rights to a safe climate!
Donate today and encourage friends and family to give too. Together, we will win!