I Stand with the Youth Plaintiffs of
Layla H. v. Commonwealth of Virginia!
On February 9, 2022, 13 youth from across Virginia filed their constitutional climate lawsuit against the Commonwealth of Virginia, Layla H. v. Commonwealth of Virginia. The case argues that the Commonwealth’s historic and ongoing permitting of fossil fuels is causing and contributing to the climate crisis, and violating the plaintiffs’ constitutional rights. The youth plaintiffs assert that Virginia has violated its public trust duty to protect elements of the public domain, including the atmosphere, required to preserve constitutional rights. They also assert that the Commonwealth of Virginia continues to rely primarily on fossil fuels as its main energy source and is thereby exacerbating climate change by polluting the atmosphere with dangerous greenhouse gas emissions.
Demand Protection of Their Constitutional Rights!
Using the form below, please submit your name and city to be added to our public online wall of support to show these brave young Virginians - and their government - that there is a strong community of support standing with them. Only your name, city, and state will be published on the wall of support; no other details will be shared publicly. Please also share this page with friends and family and post messages of support to social media using the hashtag #YouthvGovVA.