Youth Sign-Up Form to Submit an Amicus Brief in Support of

Held v. State of Montana

Our Children’s Trust is a non-profit public interest law firm that provides strategic, campaign-based legal services to youth from diverse backgrounds to secure their legal rights to a safe climate. We represent and support young people in global legal efforts to secure their binding and enforceable legal rights to a healthy atmosphere and stable climate based on the best available science.

This form is to collect information from young people who are interested in joining an amicus brief, also known as a “friend of the court” brief on behalf of their state in support of the landmark youth-led climate lawsuit Held v. State of Montana in the Montana Supreme Court. 

On August 14, 2023, in a historic first, Judge Kathy Seeley in the First Judicial District Court of Montana ruled wholly in favor of the 16 youth plaintiffs in Held v. State of Montana, declaring that the state of Montana violated the youth’s constitutional rights, including their rights to equal protection, dignity, liberty, health and safety, and public trust, which are all predicated on their right to a clean and healthful environment. 

However, the state has filed an appeal to the Montana Supreme Court and youth can take action to ensure Judge Seeley’s ruling is upheld in the Montana Supreme Court by joining and filing an amicus brief, which will ask the Supreme Court to affirm Judge Seeley’s ruling.

If you are under the age of 25 and would like to join an amicus brief, please fill out the fields in the form below. Someone with Our Children’s Trust will be in contact with you when it is time to join the amicus.